WRiting Contest #3


Poems of change


"And the sun sank
And the sky turned pale
And the trees were silhouetted in black
As the day closed
And the night unwrapped itself
In layers of stars."

~ Kamand Kojouri

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly,
but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."

~Maya Angelou

"To exist is to change, 
to change is to mature, 
to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."

~Henri Bergson

How does change impact you?  What does it look like?  What does it feel like?  This month we want to read your poems about change.  Share your experiences, your thoughts, your perspective on your own changes or the changes you see all around you.

How to participate

Word Count:

  • As many words as you feel necessary to convey your ideas


  • Wednesday November 27, 2024


  • Send your poem to your BASA teacher to submit on your behalf

*Please note all submissions will be checked through an AI detector to ensure they are original submissions written by the student.

Contest Winners:

Primary Category

First Place: Dayna Quan
Second Place:
Sissy Tao
Third Place:
Eric Lyu
Honorable Mention:
Yanzhuo Li and Madison Yeung

Junior Category

First Place: Ethan Lin
Second Place:
 Melody Poon
Third Place:
Charlie Huang
Honorable Mention:
Sicheng Wang, Vivyanna Jiang, Mizuki Maharjan

Intermediate Category

First Place: Selina Wang
Second Place:
 Kaitlin Chen
Third Place:
Isabelle Shen
Honorable Mention:
Sharon Chen, Emma Shen, Catherine Zhu

Senior Category

First Place: Amanda Ho
Second Place:
 Leah Park
Third Place:
Eric Miao
Honorable Mention:
Serena Wang, Emma Yang, Jon Yin

Laureate Category

First Place: Mars Chen
Second Place: 
Tom Chen
Third Place:
Chloe Ren
Honorable Mention:
James Zhang
Honourable Mention: Adhisri Venkat