WRiting Contest #3


POems of change


Junior Category Winning SUbmissions

Back Then
By Ethan Lin
First Place, Junior Category

It was a Sunday,
Cloudy with a light drizzle.
The house was empty, everything was moved away.
I hugged mom and took one last look.

Back then, I frolicked and had so much fun in the garden.
Looking at the sky, on the fresh, earthy scent of the green grass I’d lie.
The roses and peonies were still in full bloom, pink, red and yellow.
Watering flowers with my grandma, I would watch the seasons go by.

This was the house I grew up in,
When Grandpa was still there.
And waiting for Grandma’s home cooking in the kitchen,
The smell of sizzling meat and fried eggs filled the air.

Down in the basement, my comfy bed was soft and nice.
I would lay down with the antique bookshelf towering over me,
Wondering which Mr. Men book my mom would read.
Tucked away was a dark closet full of luggage, which I pushed around with glee.

The creaky deck at the back was a favorite place of mine,
I jumped around and played,
While grandpa hung our cold, damp clothes on the line.
Side by side, we looked at the beautiful and calming crimson sunset.

Then grandma was alone and couldn’t take care of the house,
So we packed and we tossed,
Putting precious memories in smooth, rough boxes.
Having to say goodbye, I was at a loss.

Grandma has a new place, I’m glad.
Though sometimes we’d drive by.
And I still feel sad,
That our house belongs to someone else.

It meant everything to me.
I loved this house you see.

During Wintertime
By Melody Poon
Second Place, Junior Category

During wintertime
There are many bare trees
Fluffy snow lays on the ground
all around, everywhere you look,
there are people sledding, creating
giant, round, big, cool, snowmen
Laying still on the ground
making snow angles
Children having snowball fights
Puffy smoke coming out of the houses
Pink cheeks all around, snow falls to the ground
People inside are cozy and warm sitting by the fireplace
Lots of kids put on their boots, pants, jackets,and mittens
ponds are all frozen, run outside and see nothing but white
Getting ready for the big fluffy mountain to sled down
Hot chocolate and candy canes wait for their return
To enjoy them while they decorate their tree
If they aren’t too full from eating snow
Presents are given around as we wait for Santa
Everyone comes around with hugs and leave the same
Making igloos block by block, going inside and the whole thing falling
Photos being taken, Christmas parties being thrown making everyone smile
Playing fun games with your friends in the snow, hoping the day will never end
Helping each other put up flashy, bright, and colorful christmas lights and trees
Christmas carols being sung, going house to house spreading lots of joy
And see if he drank all of the milk and cookies we left out for him
Spending time with our loving family, far away from school
During wintertime, the world is full of happiness

Breaking a Pillar
By Charlie Huang
Third Place, Junior Category

Change is like a bandage,
Like layering your world.
It's a destruction for your city,
Where you have to rebuild.

You make yourself bleed
Until you let it heal.
It is like a pillar breaking,
Where you have to change.

It is so hard to to break a pillar
so strong, it feels like a burning
On your skin until you know
that you have to rebuild.

It’s like a book that is filled with change.
It's like a story:
You have to rebuild a whole city
From the pieces of the pillar.

The feeling of change
Is so madly strong that
It’s hard until you know
What that feeling is.

By Sicheng Wang
Honourable Mention, Junior Category

Born in the hospital as a baby,
Then you’re in diapers, a t-shirt maybe.
Baby bottles come next, a lot of rest.
Getting taken care of, it's the best!

Playing around in the sandbox is fun;
Before you know it, you learn to run!
Then you fall and start to cry,
So you go home, snuggle up and lie.

Then you go to school and learn to read;
You make friends and have fun.
You bike to school yourself one day,
And wave back to mom then ride away.

You grow tall and goes to high school;
You show up and look cool.
You don't play with toys anymore,
But study hard and wish you could have more.

Before you know it, you have a job!
You get married and have a child.
You become successful, so cheerful–you sob!
You go to bed and your heart throbs.

Then you become an elder
When your children are grown up.
You can walk but no longer run.
You play a puzzle then fall asleep with the sun.

Some say, “Life is short!”
Some say, “Life is long!”
I don’t know who is right,
But I will cherish every day and fill it with love and joy!

One Hundred Paper Cranes
By Vivyanna Jiang
Honourable Mention, Junior Category

I’ve always wanted to learn how to make an origami crane,
But it’s not as easy as playing a game.
Mr. Wong and I tried in class to fold a crane,
But It turned out to be like a banana or an airplane!

At home, mom said I need to try again.
So she and I tried as the YouTubers explained.
We folded the paper again and again,
Finally we made it into a crane!

We were so excited that we went insane!
We decided to make 100 cranes:
Gold, green, yellow, and champagne.
One by one they lined up on the windowpane.

“Come and dance with us!” they exclaimed.
Shining in the sunlight, they called my name.
They pirouetted and put on a whole show, making me entertained.
Slowly I rose to my feet and forgot about all my muscle pain.

Jumping, leaping, and twirling I joined them.
We danced and danced until the start of a hockey game.

Fly butterfly
By Mizuki Maharjan
Honourable Mention, Junior Category

I lay on a leaf as a little round egg
Oh get me out! I had to beg
Out of my shell I came out with glee
I was so happy – I’m finally free!

I inch along as a caterpillar
My oh my, it was a great thriller
I eat all day long and my friends tag along
Before we know it we get big and strong

Soon we tire, it’s time to rest
We grow a chrysalis - mine’s the best
It’s cozy inside, I like the peace
Except now, ugh, the honking geese!

Suddenly I wake from my glorious slumber
The days that passed, too many to number
I’ve become a beautiful butterfly
My wings, oh my wings! I’ll fly sky high!